We Endorse Karen!

Sierra Club Endorsement Seal

Loma Prieta Chapter

Palo Alto Weekly Logo

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Palo Alto Daily Post Endorsement Logo

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San Mateo Democratic Party Endorsement Logo

San Mateo Democrats

DemFems Endorsement


Dean Club Endorsement Logo

Mid-Peninsula Regional Open Space District Board - unanimous

Hon. Nonette Hanko
Mid-Peninsula Regional Open Space District Board member and founder

Hon. Jed Cyr
MROSD Board chair

Hon. Cecily Harris
MROSD Board vice-chair

Hon. Larry Hassett
MROSD Board member

Hon. Yoriko Kishimoto
MROSD Board member

Hon. Curt Riffle
MROSD Board member

Hon. Pete Siemens
MROSD Board member

The MROSD board endorses Karen
The MROSD board endorses Karen

Officials and Environmental Leaders

Hon. Anna Eshoo
Congressional Representative, California District 18

Hon. Kevin Mullin
California State Assembly member

Hon. Sally Lieber
former State Assembly member

Hon. Ruben Abrica
East Palo Alto Mayor

Hon. Lisa Gauthier
East Palo Alto Vice-Mayor

Hon. Carlos Romero
East Palo Alto City Council member

Hon. Donna Rutherford
East Palo Alto City Council member

“Over 17 years of public service Karen Holman has demonstrated her dedication and effectiveness. At a time when many women are stepping forward to run, Karen is among the very best and I enthusiastically endorse her for Mid-Peninsula Regional Open Space District Board.”
Congresswoman Anna Eshoo

Hon. Tom DuBois
Palo Alto City Council member

Hon. Eric Filseth
Palo Alto Vice-mayor

Hon. Lydia Kou
Palo Alto City Council member

Hon.Ray Mueller
Menlo Park Mayor Pro Tem

Hon. Todd Collins
PAUSD board member

Hon. Jennifer DeBrienza
Palo Alto Unified School District Board Vice President

Hon. Duane Bay
former East Palo Alto Mayor

Hon. Pat Burt
former Palo Alto Mayor

Hon. Paul Collacchi
former Menlo Park Mayor

Hon. Judge LaDoris H. Cordell (Ret.)
former Palo Alto City Council

Hon. Mike Ferreira
former Half Moon Bay Mayor

Hon. Pat Foster
former East Palo Alto Mayor

Hon. Yoriko Kishimoto
former Palo Alto Mayor

Hon. Enid Pearson
former Palo Alto Vice-Mayor

Hon. Emily Renzel
former Palo Alto Council member

Hon. Heyward Robinson
former Menlo Park Mayor

Hon. Greg Schmid
former Palo Alto Vice-Mayor

Hon. Steve Schmidt
former Menlo Park Mayor

Hon. Carolyn Tucher
former Palo Alto Unified School District Board member

Hon. Lanie Wheeler
former Palo Alto Mayor

Hon. Gail Woolley
former Palo Alto Mayor

Hon. Yiaway Yeh
former Palo Alto Mayor

Editorial: Karen Holman for Midpeninsula Open Space District Board

Open space district needs Holman's experience, passion and temperament

“We believe Holman is the better choice. Her service on the city’s planning commission and council and as mayor, and her MROSD involvement (including co-chairing the strategic-planning advisory committee), make her a more prepared and passionate candidate ... .”

“More importantly, we have seen ... Holman’s ... leadership styles, including when ... served as Palo Alto mayor, and we think Holman brings a much more collaborative approach and a temperament better suited for an MROSD board that is functioning well in a non-political environment.”

“... Holman is the best candidate to ensure the continued success of the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District.”

The Palo Alto Weekly endorsing Karen

Martin Bernstein
Palo Alto Historic Resources Board member

David Bower
Palo Alto Historic Resources Board member

Michael Makinen
Palo Alto Historic Resources Board member

Deborah Shepherd
Palo Alto Historic Resources Board member

Margaret Wimmer
Palo Alto Historic Resources Board member

Jeff Greenfield
Palo Alto Parks and Recreation Commission member

Julie Jerome
former Palo Alto Unified School District Board member

Alice Kaufman
Committee for Green Foothills Legislative Advocacy Director,
San Mateo & Santa Clara Counties (title for identification purposes only)

Arthur Keller
Vice Chair, Environmental & Water Resources Commission,
Santa Clara Valley Water District

Marilyn Keller
Storm Water Management Oversight Committee;
Canopy Board member (organization affiliation for identification purpose only),
Former UAC member

Florence LaRiviere
Committee to Complete the Refuge

Ed Lauing
Palo Alto Planning and Transportation Commission Chair

Karen Maki
San Mateo County Democratic Party, Southern Vice Chair

Catherine Martineau
Executive Director of Canopy—title for ID purposes only

Debbie Mytels
former Associate Director of Acterra; MROSD docent

Lennie Roberts
Legislative Advocate, Committee for Green Foothills
(title for identification purposes only)

Susan Rosenberg
Canopy Board Member—title for ID purposes only

Brian Schmidt
former board member Santa Clara Valley Water District

Valerie Stinger
Palo Alto Human Relations Commission

Greer Stone
Santa Clara County Human Relations Commission Vice Chair;
Santa Clara County Justice Review Committee (of HRC) Chair, Midtown Residents Assoc. Chair

Doria Summa
Palo Alto Planning and Transportation Commission member

Rita Vrhel
Save Palo Alto's Groundwater

Asher Waldfogel
Palo Alto Planning and Transportation Commission member

Community Supporters
- partial list -

David Adams
Susann Amborn
Dudley G. Andersen
Elaine Andersen
Annette Ashton
Gillian Athayde
Jim Baer
Debbie Baldwin
Fred Balin
Dick Ball
Marni Barnes
Lisa Baskind

“I am retiring from the board of Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District this year, after co-founding it and serving since its inception in 1972. In my place, I am strongly recommending former Palo Alto Mayor Karen Holman. Karen worked with the District as co-chair of the Citizens Advisory Committee that led to the successful Measure AA campaign of 2014. Karen is exceptional, and there is no one else I can think of better qualified to take my seat to serve Ward 5.”
Nonette Hanko, co-founder, MROSD, 1972

Marilyn Baueridel
Hilary Bayer
Jean Bayer
Robin Bayer
Susan Beall
Norman H. Beamer
Josh Becker
Faith Bell
Sally Bemus
Dorothy Bender
Keith Bennett
Nancy Bjork
Jenny Blaschke
Miriam Blatt
Andrew Boone
Herb Borock
Richard Brand
Bill Braston
Ralph Britton
Chris Brosnan
Jonathan Brown
David Bubenik
Trish Bubenik
Neilson Buchanan
Carla Carvalho
Wanda Cavanaugh

Community Supporters
- continued -

Betty Jo Chang
Lena Chow
Bill Clopton
Kay Culpepper
Urban Cummings
Janet Dafoe
Carl Darling
Alan C. Davis
Terry Acebo Davis
Anne Dazey
Cedric de La Beaujardiere
Doug Debs
Winter Dellenbach, winner, Tall Tree Award
Jennifer DiBrienza
Ken Dinwiddie
Sue Dinwiddie
Cherie Donald
Elisabeth Doxsee
Wolfgang Dueregger
Susan Dunlap
Jeb Eddy
JudyAnn Christensen Edwards
Kathleen Eisenhdardt
Richard Ellson
Penn Ellison
Patty Elvy
Anne Ercolani
Joe Ercolani
Claude Ezran
Jaime Farr
Connie Fasani
Eitan Fenson
Margaret Feuer
Sharleen Fiddaman
Len Filppu
Dians Finkelstein
Rochelle Ford
Patricia Foster
Sarah French

“I have known Karen Holman for over twenty years, as a fighter and a thoughtful leader. What sets her apart is her deep passion and environmental values - there is no ambivalence in what she believes in. Vote Karen onto the Midpen Board to preserve our open space and ensure MROSD's environmental legacy.”
Enid W. Pearson, Former Vice Mayor of Palo Alto
and Author of the Palo Alto Park Dedication Ordinance of 1965

Julienne Frizzell
Judy Frost
Monty Frost
Charmaine Furman
Mary Gallagher
Jacob Gerhardt
Julie Gerhardt
Deb Goldeen
Mica Goranova
Mary Gordon
Ruth Gordon
Helen Gracon
David Greene
Loretta Green
D. Michael Griffin
Stephanie Grossman
Michael Harbour
Penelope Hassett
Jerry Hearn
Margaret Heath
Uriel Hernandez
Joseph Hirsch
Hamilton Hitchings
Whitney Pine Hoermann
Terry Holzemer

Holman best choice for Midpen board
“Holman is simply the natural choice for this job. ... The Post believes that Holman would be a better fit for this board because of her experience and interests. ... We’re endorsing Holman ... because of her advocacy on council for open space and the environment.”
The Palo Alto Daily Post endorsing Karen

Jeffrey Hook
Yunteng Huang
Hilary Hug
Carole Hyde
Inge Infante
Don Jackson
Lynn Jacobson
Jeffrey Jones
Larry Jones
Pamela D. Jones
Karen Kang
Kurt Kelty
Mary Kenney
Carol Kenyon
CeCi Kettendorf
Maruk Khambatta
Grace Kiettzmann
Tim Knuth
Joanne Koltnow
Iris Korol
Karen Kotoske
Nancy Krop
Judy Leahy
Benjamin Lerner
Jeff Levinsky

Nonette Hanko and Karen Holman
Nonette Hanko and Karen Holman

Helen Li
Charlene Liao
Emerald Logan
Paul Machado
Jo Ann Mandinach
Pat Markevitch
Patricia Marriott
Diane Mc Coy
Graig McHendrie
Dan Melick
Lynnie Melena
Marianne Mueller
Elaine Meyer
Robert Moss
Nadia Naik
Andrew Nepomuleno
Nelson Ng
Debbie Nichols
Azieb Nicodimos
Barbara Noparstak
Mary O'Kicki
Marion Odell
lorrainea Parker
Michael J. Patrick
Tina Peak
Christian Pease
Tim Perkins
Nancy Peterson
Nancy Pliebel
Karen Porter
Susan Powers
Penny Proctor
Bill Quackenbush
Kim Raftery
Mahendra Ranchod
Michael Rantz
Rick Rairden
Andre Reed
Chris Robell
Jeremy Robinson
Beth Rosenthal
Annette Ross
Steven Ross
Bob Roth
Aileene Roth
Katie Rummel
Pam Salvatierra
Tom Sanders
Patricia Sanders
Margo Schmidt
Ken Scholz
Jaclyn Schrier
David Schrom

“I have worked with Karen for more than 20 years since she began as a neighborhood activist and served with her as co-chair on the SOFA II Working Group. I continued to follow her as a Planning Commissioner, City Council member and Mayor. She was also a key member of the Mid-peninsula Regional Open Space District's Citizens Advisory Committee, helping plan for the future of the District. I know few leaders who have as rigorous a work ethic and moral compass as Karen. She is the clear choice for Ward 5 - we need her unshakeable environmental leadership!”
Larry Hassett, MROSD board member, and owner of Hassett Hardware

Allan Seid
Mary Seid
Laura Seitel
Julie Shanson
Deborah Shepherd
John Slattery
Marian Slattery
Pat Slattery
David Smernoff
Andrea B. Smith
Stephen Smith
Hank Sousa
Nancy Spangler
Pat Starrett
Adriana Stone
Mary Sylvester
Laszlo Tokes
Emy Thurber, former Regional Director, California Democratic Party
Nancy Traube
Jerry Underdal
April Vargas
Vijay Varma
Vicki Veenker
Olenka Villarreal, Magical Bridge Founder
Toni Virdi
Linda Vlasic
Tom Vlasic
Angelica Volterra
Sandy Vorhees
George Wang
Jim Wang
Mark Weiss
Deborah Wexler
Cole Wilbur
Grace Wilbur
Mimi Wolfe
Kimberly Wong
Rene C. Wood
Susan Wu
Aileen Yang
Neva Yarkin
Monica Yeung-Arima
Xuemei Zhang
Scottie Zimmerman
Zita Zukowsky

I'd be honored to have your endorsement

Sign Up Here

Paid for by Holman for Open Space District Board 2018
3428 Janice Way   Palo Alto, CA   94303
FPPC #1410488   Greg Schmid, Treasurer
Copyright 2018